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About Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss affects nearly two-thirds of adults ≥ 70 years in the United States and is strongly and independently associated with an increased risk of social isolation, depression, accelerated cognitive decline, falls, reduced physical function, and hospitalization. Of older adults who have hearing loss, less than 20% use hearing aids regularly with even lower numbers among racial and ethnic minority and lower-income older adults. It has been estimated that over 23 million older adults with hearing loss go untreated.

Proactively addressing hearing care is an integral component of aging well. The way we listen, interact with others and engage in our everyday lives is crucial to the quality of our lives. Hearing loss has a profound impact on health and well- being.

Facts About Hearing Loss

Hearing loss affects two-thirds of adults aged 70 years and older in the United States.

Over 23 million Americans with hearing loss are untreated.

Hearing loss is independently associated with cognitive decline, social isolation and depression.