For years, I experienced the daily noise of machinery within industrial food plants. Although I was active in hearing testing of employees, and noise abatement programs in factory settings, I too have suffered hearing loss. I have been tested, and diagnosed with hearing loss in both ears for which I then received quotes for unaffordable hearing aids. Over-the-counter and TV-ad amplifiers did not help.
My wife gave me an article to read from Hopkins Medicine Magazine, featuring AccessHears. I figured it couldn’t hurt to try. Maybe it would help?
I met with Khoi Le and Josiah Yiu to discuss the possibilities. After a brief trial of a “Sidekick”, we decided to purchase a pair of them. The results have been outstanding! Not only do I hear better, but I am more confident that I am hearing correctly the first time.
Josiah’s followup and support have been great.
The world sounds different. What an improvement! I hope that this program is expanded so that more seniors are able to be educated about, and make use of this wonderful more affordable technology.